Hourly to Weekly Salary Calculator

Want to know how much your hourly rate equals in weekly salary? Enter your hourly wage and instantly see your weekly income. Perfect for comparing job offers, weekly budgeting, or understanding your weekly earnings.

Hourly to Weekly Salary Calculator

Our Hourly to Weekly Salary Calculator is a comprehensive tool that helps you understand your total weekly income based on your hourly wage. Whether you're evaluating a job offer, planning your weekly budget, or just curious about your weekly earnings, this calculator provides accurate calculations considering your specific work schedule.

How to Use the Hourly to Weekly Salary Calculator?

Using our calculator is simple:

  1. Enter your hourly rate in dollars
  2. Adjust hours worked per week (default is 40)
  3. Optionally include tax calculations by checking the box and entering your tax rate
  4. Click "Calculate Weekly Salary" to see your weekly income

Understanding Your Results

The calculator provides:

  • Gross weekly salary - Your total weekly income before taxes
  • Daily income - Your gross daily earnings
  • After-tax income (if selected) - Your weekly take-home pay after tax deductions
  • Detailed breakdown of your earnings per day and week